Accessibility & Transport
Information on travelling to the Tall Ships Races Aberdeen.
Travelling to the Tall Ships Races Aberdeen 2025
The Tall Ships Races will come to Aberdeen from the 19th of July to the 22nd of July, with a standalone concert planned for Friday the 18th of July.
It is expected that tens of thousands of spectators will attend the event. To minimise road traffic congestion and reduce the carbon footprint of the event, the organisers are recommending that spectators consider the use of public transport or car sharing where possible. Those staying in the local area should consider active travel (walking, wheeling or cycling).
There is limited on-street parking available in Aberdeen, so it is recommended that those travelling by car make use of the dedicated Park & Ride sites which will be set up for the event.
Discover more about travelling to the Tall Ships Races:
Public Transport and Active Travel Information

Local Area Restrictions
To safely accommodate the expected audience, a number of parking restrictions and road closures will be in place throughout the City Centre.
These will be enforced by Aberdeen City Council and Police Scotland in order to minimise disruption to local residents and businesses, assist traffic flow and increase safety and security for all road users.

Further information to plan your journey in Scotland can be found on the Traveline website.